Office of the University Economist
The Office of the University Economist was created by Arizona State University President Michael M. Crow in 2005.
The office has two primary functions:
- To administer the Productivity and Prosperity Project (P3)
- To respond to the strategic and tactical needs of the Office of the President and the university as a whole related to economic development and the university’s role as an economic driver.
Reports associated with the second function focus on public finance, Arizona universities, and Arizona demographics.
Taxes and public-sector expenditures are economic development factors that contribute to the competitiveness of a region. In addition, with Arizona’s public universities partially supported by the State of Arizona, the fiscal resources and health of state government is of importance to the universities.
An understanding of Arizona demographics is important to planning at ASU and to economic development in Arizona.
Other reports produced by the Office of the University Economist are specific to ASU or Arizona’s public university system.Recent examples of the Office of the University Economist’s work include:
The Impact of Arizona State University Graduates Employed in Arizona in 2019, November 2020
An update to the February 2020 paper that presented data through 2018, estimates are presented of the number of ASU graduates working in Arizona, as well as their average wage, aggregate wages, and tax payments. Estimates are made for each year from 2012 through 2019.
The Contribution of Arizona State University to the City of Chandler Economy in Fiscal Year 2019, June 2020
This report provides an assessment for fiscal year (FY) 2019 of the economic contribution of Arizona State University to the city of Chandler.
The Contribution of Arizona State University to the City of Glendale Economy in Fiscal Year 2019, June 2020
This report provides an assessment for fiscal year (FY) 2019 of the economic contribution of Arizona State University to the city of Glendale.
The Contribution of Arizona State University to the City of Mesa Economy in Fiscal Year 2019, June 2020
This report provides an assessment for fiscal year (FY) 2019 of the economic contribution of Arizona State University to the city of Mesa.
The Contribution of Arizona State University to the City of Phoenix Economy in Fiscal Year 2019, June 2020
This report provides an assessment for fiscal year (FY) 2019 of the economic contribution of Arizona State University to the city of Phoenix.
The Contribution of Arizona State University to the City of Tempe Economy in Fiscal Year 2019, June 2020
This report provides an assessment for fiscal year (FY) 2019 of the economic contribution of Arizona State University to the city of Tempe.
The Impact on Arizona’s Economy From the Acceleration in the Number of Individuals Earning Degrees From Arizona State University After Academic Year 2003, June 2020
Compares the actual economic impact of ASU graduates working in Arizona to the impact in three hypothetical scenarios, each of which assumes the rate of growth in the number of individuals graduating from ASU was less than the actual number.
The Economic Impact of Those Attaining a Graduate Degree From Arizona State University, April 2020
Estimates the earnings of ASU graduate-degree holders worldwide, in the United States, in U.S. regions, and in Arizona.
The Impact of Arizona State University Graduates Employed in Arizona in 2018, February 2020
An update to the December 2018 paper that presented data through 2017, estimates are presented of the number of ASU graduates working in Arizona, as well as their average wage, aggregate wages, and tax payments. Estimates are made for each year from 2012 through 2018.
The Latino Population in the United States and Arizona, With an Emphasis on Education, January 2020
This paper provides a demographic profile of the Latino population in the United States and in Arizona, based primarily on the 2018 American Community Survey. It also examines demographic changes between 2010 and 2018, and simulates the economic impact of raising the educational attainment of Latinos.
Declines Relative to the Nation in Arizona’s Government Finance, Educational Attainment, and Economic Performance, January 2020
An update and extension to the September 2018 paper “The Relationship Between Government Finance, Educational Attainment, and Economic Performance,” this paper concentrates on Arizona relative to the national average.
Additional insights and research findings are available from the Office of the University Economist website.