Western Blue Chip Panelists

Jerry Nickelsburg
Senior Economist - UCLA Anderson Forecast
Dr. Jerry Nickelsburg joined the UCLA Anderson Forecast in 2006 as a Senior Economist.
At the Anderson Forecast, he plays a key role in the economic modeling and forecasting of the Los Angeles, Southern California and California economies.
Dr. Nickelsburg has conducted special studies into the future of manufacturing in Los Angeles; the distribution of income; the economic impact of the writer’s strike; the aerospace industry; the undocumented construction and manufacturing labor force; the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach; and the garment industry.
His current academic research is on organizational and individual learning in manufacturing, and the influence of power groups on the balance of trade.
Dr. Nickelsburg is a regular presenter at the Los Angeles Mayor’s Economic Conference, and has been cited in the national and local media including the Financial Times, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Reuters, Variety, CNBC, NBC, PBS, and L.A. Business Journal.
A former Professor of Economics at the University of Southern California, he has also held executive positions with McDonnell Douglas, Flight Safety International, and Flight Safety Boeing during a fifteen-year span in the aviation business.
The recipient of the Korda Fellowship, Dr. Nickelsburg is a USC Outstanding Teacher, India Chamber of Commerce Jubilee Lecturer, and a Fulbright Scholar. He has published over 40 articles on monetary economics, econometrics, aviation economics, and industrial organization.
Dr. Nickelsburg received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota.